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Four useful books

Prospective entrepreneurs often ask me if there is any reading I recommend. Entrepreneurs often do not have time to read but I did find these books useful ( I normally skip portions that do not interest me like almost the entire first section of CK Prahlads book – I found some of the case studies […]

What should a VC be like?

Munjal Shah profiles some of the traits that he likes amongst VCs. Amongst them: Genuinely and aggressively support the entrepreneur High level of understanding of the business Be straightforward Ability to get into detail on the ground, rather than “armchair feedback” Would love to hear about what else entrepreneurs value. From my own experience as […]

Context of advertising

One of the reasons why Google is so successful at Adwords, and not so successful at Adsense, is that the context in which advertising is placed is extremely important. When people are looking, they also look at ads and click on them if they seem relevant. If someone is reading an interesting news article, it […]

The End (of Software) is Nigh

On demand software intrigues me. I am not sure if early stage entrepreneurs in Delhi can benefit from this trend. If they can and their plan calls for angel investing they should contact me. This URL gives some interesting numbers on the pioneer and current leader in the field…

Choosing a VC

For entrepreneurs looking to raise external capital, its worth checking out Scott Maxwell’s post on how entrepreneurs should evaluate a VC, beyond just the ability/willingness to write a check. According to him, the critical factor is the ‘fit’ between both parties. While his 9-points to assess fit are somewhat long-winded, his broad message makes intuitive […]

A “tight loose” approach

If technology as a disruptor is a given ..what is the best way to envision the next killer business opportunities? In the book “Leading the revolution”, HBS prof Gary Hamel has a quote for the new innovation solutions- Industry revolutionaries are like a missile up the tailpipe.Boom! You’re irrelevant! i.e. strategy is not the domain […]

Metcalfe’s Law/eBay

Silicon Valley tends to get quite excited about “network value” . Eyeballs, social networking and even PayPal. In India Metcalfe’s law is not popular. See’s_law. Can Metcalfe’s law help Indian entrepreneurs create elephants ? Building company value is not just about revenues and breakevens. Baazee was bought by eBay for $50 million even though […]

The Indian Wealth Rush

If India keeps growing a lot of wealth will be created. While existing companies public and private will definitely contribute I think companies that are just starting out will play a major role. Sectors like IT outsourcing and BPO were not major a decade ago. What will the next decade bring ?

Paul Graham and the debate on founder sales

Venture Capitalists don’t like deals where their money is used to buy the shares owned by founders and other early investors. They like their money to go “into building the company” – ie, towards hiring people, building a product, etc. Unless, that is, they are desparate to get in on the deal. In August, The […]

Work Life, Night Life

An interesting (and depressing, for an oldtime Bangalorean) piece from the Fast Company Blog on the need for entertainment and cultural outlets for the city. A sobering subtext, for me, is the role, or lack thereof, of the moral police in the modern context. We are not having this discussion in the public sphere in […]