Some Humor
A bit of Humor. I am writing coz i have some time, and this site has a humor section … and i don’t own a blog (yet) to backlink. You are reading, possibly because you also have some time. Nice, but then don’t complain. Even VCs read humor section these days (yes, i have heard). […]
Power of Being Online
Among various benefits internet offers to its users, “Voice of the customer†is one of the most powerful tools. The notion “Customer is the King†is absolute reality in the internet age. Let me share a recent real life incident in which I personally experienced the power of being online. Last year I bought a […]
Funny Sites
Here is the funny lists of sites and its registrants. Domain Name: HOMEGAINSUCKS.COM Registrant:HomeGain.com, Inc. created: 2004 ——————————- Domain Name: ZILLOWSUCKS.COM Registrant:Zillow.com Created on: 2005 ——————————- Domain Name: TRULIASUCKS.COM Registrant:Trulia Created on: 2005 ——————————- Domain name: upssucks.com Registrant:United Parcel Service Created on: 1997 ——————————- Domain Name: googlesucks.com Registrant:Google Inc. Created on: 1999 ——————————- Domain Name: […]
The “Anti-Portfolio”
Bessemer Ventures has a fascinating page on what they call their “anti-portfolio” — basically, companies that they refused to invest in, that went on to become HUGE successes. In Bessemer’s case, these include Apple, eBay, Fedex, google, and Intel. I think this is a great idea, especially if the various GPs at Bessemer (and other […]
India Tomorrow? Day After?
India Today has a cover story on Wired Generation – dont know whether its humor or satire of India’s most respect editorial team to have claimed “most of India’s 200 million middle class homes now have computers”! And this is a managing editor… not once but twice in the same article! Now just wait and […]
Care to join me for a ride!?
I tried 43 new features of the ‘all new Scorpio’. Would you care to join me for a ride!?
Web 2.0 startup sold on ebay
This is via Rishab from silklist. A web2.0 startup Kiko which was into AJAX based online calendering was sold on ebay for just over $250K. I guess they matched up with Google at least in the style of exit if nothing else! Here’s the auction link.
Why did the Chicken Cross the Road
It really depends on who you ask….. PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American. DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I’ve not been told. GRANDPA: In my day we didn’t ask why […]
VC1.0, Stagflation and VC2.0 Preambe
Peter Rip of Leapfrog Ventures has a humorous piece on On Everything 2.0 and takes a dig the 2.0 trend with Arithmetic 2.0. Then he gets serious with Venture Capital 2.0 a series on paridgm shift in the (IT) VC space. First in the series, Venture 2.0 – Preamble traces the The sequential evolution of […]
Kathy Sierra’s Take on Techies
It is humorous, and educative. Check it out. Other posts are also worth a read. I love the tactful useage black and white images from yore.
Startup Failures: Blue Screen of Death – By Jawwad Farid
Here is an interesting and humourus book on startup failures and success: Ideas for a new venture arrive with a moment of blinding insight. Some start as accidents; otheres take us years of wandering effort to gel the real concept into shape. Regardless of the cause, for most new ventures, the flash of inspiration is […]