Hi, I guess i am a novice is this field and would like to throw a few questions at the community – ( I understand that answers to these questions may differ between different business types) 1. How much budget do you guys keep aside for just marketing (Pre/Post revenue) ? Please mention type of […]
Facebook: Really using the Social Graph
The number of Applications on Facebook has risen continuously since Facebook announced its Developer API in mid 2007. While there has been a slew of applications, it is very easy to see a clear trend. As much as 50% of the applications on Facebook are identity definition applications like Characteristics and Compare People, where people […]
The Druvaa Story – II
[ I was planing a small musing and then saw a post from Sumeet, so thought of completing it. ] Almost two months back, Druvaa hit its lowest … and merely 1 month from our first few paid deployments we were holding heads in hands with no clue how to proceed further. Low on resources, […]
The Startups Are Hiring.
Did you know that the best job for a fresher is in a startup? Well, it is. Did you know that the best job for a growing professional or someone who loves challenges, is in a startup? Well, it is. One of the biggest problems that startups have is in hiring people. During the last […]
The Creation of a Sustainable Ecosystem.
This is perhaps a wee bit of eerie timing, as there are posts by Sujai* and quite a few others circulating around the blogosphere with some very serious questions about the Indian entrepreneurship ecosystem. Perhaps its of relevance to go through the basics yet again and what it would take to make this ecosystem mature, […]
The Gap in the Indian Innovation Ecosystem.
“There is a definite lack in the number of fundable ideas in the ecosystem. What we need is more incubation funds.” I am not sure if that’s so. Fundable ideas, in most cases denotes a team that is mature enough and has the market valuation and the credibility to be looked seriously by a VC […]
Some Generic Entrepreneurial Questions
Hi, i am facing some generic problems and i think many of us out here should be facing the same …. so i thought i might put up a post regarding the same and attract some wise answers. My customers are enterprises, so my viewpoint and questions revolve around them. Feel free to give generic […]
The Art of Learning
Not very much off-topic for entrepreneurship blog but just wanted to throw some light on work of – “Con Kolivas“.He should be well known for guys following Linux development, for others …. This guy is a doctor in Australia with no professional training in computers, still he got interested in Linux Kernel. I used to […]
Entrepreneurship at different levels
One of our gurus (guru Nanak) always emphasized on traveling, as per him it helps a man discover his true self. During college i was lucky to travel to 7 countries … Now after a long time and as a part of my work at druvaa, i was traveling for almost 8 weeks now … […]
Radio Stations: Pervasive Entertainment Everywhere
It seems that Mumbai is the only place in India which has a 24/7 English Radio station. Most of the other cities have these partial stations where there is english programming in certain times of the day, mixed with other regional-language programming. First question: Why is that? Secondly, Let me go to a bit extreme. […]
Idea Generator
An amusing take on generating new ideas — try your luck, this might work better than a slots machine. On a more serious note, there are several “structured innovation” techniques that actually work — the one that I had a chance to study sometime back is TRIZ. Check it out!
Viral Marketing and Community Building: The Basics
Viral Marketing is still the best way to go when it comes to launching a startup product, in creating that buzz, and in getting filtered and quality feedback before making the big bang of unleashing your product/service into the world.