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IdeaCamp in Gurgaon with Alok Mittal

Venture community here are welcome to come and meet Alok Mittal at the Idea Camp in Gurgaon on 12th January from 2 pm to 4 pm. Idea camp is organized with a intention to have a intense gathering of a small group of entrepreneurs and professionals to foster accelerated learning and networking on a common […]

IMRB IAMAI Mobile VAS Report – A critique

IAMAI and IMRB have released their Mobile VAS report here. I went through the report, and the quality appalled me. I was expecting to see a more quantitative report from a research agency of IMRB’s repute. The only numbers they have outlined are top level numbers (“Mobile VAS to be a $1b industry”) and the […]

Mobile VAS Meet @ Bangalore

Happened to be at the Mobile VAS meet at Bangalore and had a mixed opinion on the event. There were potentially more VC’s hob nobbing than innovators and geeks. As a consequence lot of “jargon” got thrown and some 😉 operator cribs. Overall there were few startups to showcase there offerings. The “Oberoi” factor was […]

Yi Summit December 9th, New Delhi

I’d like to extend an invitation to Venturewoods regulars for the annual Yi Summit being held in Delhi this saturday, December 9th. Titled ‘India on the Rise – Aspire to Succeed’, the day long programme has a number of exciting sessions – My Story sessions with Sunil Munjal, Ashish Dhawan, Malvinder Mohan Singh and others. […]

Naukri Lists

Naukri listed today — the stock has shot up almost 100% from the issue price, and the company has a market cap of $370m last I checked. Revenues for Mar ’07 are estimated to be around $30m, Absolutely rocks! Congratulations to Sanjeev and his team.

TiE Canaan Entrepreneurial Challenge

Hi all, just wanted to update that the TiE Canaan Entrepreneurial Challenge is on. I had posted details on the same earlier and will not repeat the same. It is a challenge for existing entrepreneurs to showcase their aspirations, and get the best in access to mentoring and capital. Podtech has a news item and […]