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Inflection point for Mobile VAS?

ET had an interesting article a couple of days ago on declining SMS usage in India –… While the absolute number of SMS’s sent continue to grow (simply because Indian operators continue to add subs at a mind-boggling rate), the average SMS message per user fell significantly in the Sep. quarter relative to the June […]

Evolving Online Video …

As the founder of , I might have been biased on my thoughts when I wrote the article below. Hence posting it here for a reality check. Every media distribution technology was built upon its predecessor. Television did not simply appear – it evolved from the radio. TV’s evolution is marked by a series […]

P2P Lending – further thoughts

Couple of days back; I posted about P2P lending and its India Feasibility – got mixed reponse from readers. I thought to bounce some more facts/findings from Deutsche Bank Research Report. Interesting to note: 1.) Less default rate for borrowers who are member of some group (remember SHG of Indian MFI industry) 2.) At present; […]

Al Gore joins Kleiner Perkins as Partner

Very interesting. Another lever for Gore to try and influence the climate change issue. The alliance provides Mr. Gore an additional pulpit for his advocacy of environmental causes, but also gives the Nobel laureate an opportunity to nurture green businesses. Venture capitalists said the move could help companies financed by Kleiner establish ties with big […]

Review of Payment Systems by RBI

Reserve Bank of India has published Annual Review (FY 2007) of Payment and Settlement Systems. It’s encouraging to read that RBI is taking some concrete steps to increase the penetration of electronic payments. I specially found Chapter 2 and 4 of this report interesting. Some interesting observations: Electronic Bill Payment ( for utilities ) has […]

Great read: SaaSy security suits small businesses

Absolutely credible and intuitive assessment of the consolidated and de-productized information security market by David Cowan of Bessemer Venture Partners. David has hit the bullseye here, beautifully explaining the current and underlying bottlenecks ailing the business of information security. Personally, I feel this is a brilliant take on the future of the IT security industry. […]

Virtual worlds versus Social networks

CNet reports an estimate of $1b being invested in virtual worlds. While comparing with social networks, it says One of the reasons the genre still feels like a niche is that there is no single virtual world that everyone is using, like there is with social networks like MySpace or Facebook. World of Warcraft is […]

Facebook End Game

I am a Big FAN of Facebook and like thousands of internet enthusiast I see Mark Zukerberg as a HERO . He has created a Giant distribution Platform called Social Graph . He did it on his vision of Internet and social media . Some of his moves like News feed, Opening up the platform […]