Folks, I have been thinking about this for sometime: All of us know, classifieds is big business. Both online and offline. In the offline world traditional media like newspapers are the big gorillas – they basically built the classifieds industry. In the online world we of have craigslist, networks such as google adwords, vertical classifieds […]
Human-Powered Search Engines: The Hoards of Talent for Good use?
Jason Calacanis has started a new pet project which he is determined to drive to the scale of the Yahoo, Google or Microsoft search in the area of web information categorization. It’s the Mahalo Project. The case apparently seems to be simple: There are lots of algorithm based search engines that, thanks to all the […]
Why are we not gaga over Zoho?
Zoho is arguably the ONLY global product to come out of India from ANY company, and its a sweet product. It gives mighty Google Apps a run for their money; and Zoho’s Creator is a path breaking innovative product. So why is VentureWoods not talking more about Zoho? Is it because of lack of awareness […]
Facebook app sells for $3m
It had to happen! We have talked about widget apps and the facebook platform on venturewoods before. A pure play facebook app “Where I’ve been” reportedly got acquired for $3m. It might seem like a small amount compared to the billions that make headlines these days, but IMHO its just the starting point — this […]
Man-made tornadoes for power generation
Very interesting piece on the inventor Louis Michaud, whose current brainwave is to use tornadoes to generate power. Michaud has spent the past 40 years studying tornados and hurricanes, and is convinced it’s possible to engineer and control powerful, full-scale whirlwinds and harness their energy to produce emission-free electricity. Forget wind farms and their intermittent […]
Open Facebook
Great article on the impact of the open facebook platform. The ability for developers to plugin features into facebook and service the 30 million community already using facebook marks the demise of “one up feature social networks”. What does this mean for Indian social networks? Facebook is already ranked 22 in India by Alexa, and […]
Content Aggregation sites in India: Legal problems ?
There have been quite a few content aggregation sites that have cropped up in the recent past – both in India and US., Yahoo Farechase, zoomtra for travel, Yahoo Jobsearch, bixee etc for jobs, spoteazy for electronics and there are many others in US in this space. My question is: What are the legality […]
Vertical social networks
Great post and comments on prospects of vertical social networks. These are social networks that revolve around a specific interest groups, such as bikers, running enthusiasts, etc. The article argues that this is the direction in which social networks will evolve, and naturally, users will be part of multiple social networks. This leads to a […]
Incredible Gizmoz
Check this out guys! I found it great – perfect for friday afternoon, and perhaps for my secondlife avatar. If you are still thinking why I am doting my animation, all I had to do was to upload a picture of mine and this got done automatically Express Yourself with Gizmoz Video Clips
Startups, Advertising and Brand Building
Advertising, Brand building and sales. Exactly! This is what every start up would think in terms of progress that could happen through advertising. So whatz aim of advertising. Is it aimed to build brands or bringing customers or for just making a feeler in the industry? Tough question to answer. If you ask advertising pundits, […]
eLearning for all
Create an eLearning system where ANYONE can learn the way they want to learn. For example, if I am comfortable learning with the help of a person, I click on a subject and poof! appears a window with a live person web-camming with you. It is an interactive session on-demand, when you need it, in […]
Internationalization and Localization – Where Social Network Stands?
I read Flickr (Yahoo photo sharing) has added 7 more languages and 55% of their user base (24 million) is international. Also, interesting to note Alexa India rating of Orkut (Rank 2), YouTube (Rank 7) and (Rank 10) This is the current picture. However; I also hear a lot that there is a play […]