My views on what to expect from Indian ecommerce sector in 2013 – the profitability challenge, the financing challenge, and the differentiation challenge. Read here.
HR Ideas for Business : 6-10 : Induction, Probation, Hiring, Grievance...
Here are the next 5 Ideas for better Business performance in building Human Synergies. In this posting you would find basic information about Induction, Probation, Grievance Redressal, High Requirement Hiring and Setting Expectation of Performance. These are very day-to-day issues and needs to be addressed on the go.  Please do read and add new inputs and perspective […]
Three Things that One can do to build Second Line at Small & Medium Bu
Building Second Line is the biggest challenge in SME’s. This may be due to the focus of entrepreneur which is  very internal and personal. Development of Second Line needs a broader outlook and ability to think and create an environment of trust.  Its also to do with the openness of  SME owner to create wealth […]
My SME Journey in UK 2012
I landed in London Heathrow at 9 pm on 19th September 2012 along with my Associate. We head straight to tube station which I heard a lot about, while I was in India. We thought that we would reach destination in next 20 minutes. We reached Holborn station and the pilot ! announced that due to technical […]
Mobile Payments – where is the use case?
Techcrunch has an interesting article questioning the value proposition of mobile payments, especifically NFC in this case. Read here… Even in the Indian context, there have been multiple companies trying to push mobile payments over time, and a clear use case has been missing. Cash or swipe cards function fairly well for physical merchants. Some […]
Thoughts on book publishing industry
Note: Posted this on my blog the other day. Wanted to get opinion of a wider audience and hence posting it here. There has been a recent spurt in the number of writers. 4 out of 10 people I know are either writers or are aspiring to be one. And similarly, the spurt in homw […]
Export Import Business Online-Business Idea
 Logistics is big business.And freight forwarding (export -import) contributes significantly to logistics business. Having worked with Air India Ltd at its Cargo SBU, I wonder whether are there any companies in world which facilitates export and import business online.This business can be classified into 2-3 ways.First is via air or sea.Second is big shipments (in tons) […]
Don’t let the ecommerce bust fool you
It seems that past 6-9 months have played out a full boom and bust cycle as far as ecommerce in India is concerned. Where as in july-august timeframe, 10 million dollar fundraises were being inflated to 40, and investors seemed to be willing to pay 5-8 times the gross merchandize value as premoney valuations, suddenly […]
Brave new world…
Think about what role the mobile operator has been playing to-date: They own a pipe to transmit information (voice + data) They own a touch point to the customer (and hence impact the choices I make) They own a mechanism to charge the customer – either stored value or monthly billing Long-term which of these […]
Connecting a World Changer / George Page
Every now and then, my team stumbles upon an amazing individual who is destined to change the world. I try and tell these stories to as many people as I can. So forgive me if you have received a personal note but enjoy the story if you haven’t. George Page is an extraordinary inventor. He […]
Delhi is the New Hub For Techs
I read this interesting article recently- about how Delhi is the new hub for tech startups– in Wall Street journal. I am curious- what are the experiences/opinions of other members- who may have worked in multiple Indian metros on the subject. — Below article is a mirror of article in Wall Street Journal: Delhi […]
ET – Indian Ecommerce – Accounting and Legal issues
ET carries an article today on potential accounting and legal risks in the Indian ecommerce space. I doubt if entrepreneurs and investors would allow such subversions. People know well that this road doesn’t lead to heaven. Read on On a business level, the lifetime value notion is well understood and used – and in my […]