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WSJ – iPad for Small Businesses in India

I penned some thoughts on how iPad kind of device can be used to create SAAS offerings for SMB customers in India, across healthcare, hospitality and other sectors. The ease of use led by touch interface, the table top usage scenario, bundling hardware with software and service, and disconnected operations could be some of the […]

The Largest gathering of Cleantech companies in India

TiE Hyderabad organized the ‘Largest Gathering of Cleantech Companies in India’. The conference was held in partnership with Nexus, SONG and New Ventures India. The event was a focused “no-frills” networking event of investors and entrepreneurs. The day was divided into 4 sections: Smart Grid, Energy Efficiency, Recycling and Renewable Energy. Companies operating in each […]

B2B Internet Businesses

As we announced our investment in MotorExchange; I thought to bounce my views on broader B2B plays. In last couple of years, I have noticed two broad growth challenges in Indian internet start ups: 1.) Last mile penetration – This is function of internet penetration in the country and the growth is still incremental. We […]