Gigaom has a thought-provoking article on non-cellphone devices which use the cellular networks. The ones that Stacey mentions are: * Smart Insoles * The BI HomeGuard Anklet * Zoombak * The Cameo Picture Frame * Ford Work Solutions * The Flaik * DriveCam Ubiquitous networks are the future, and IMHO, represents a great opportunity for […]
NASSCOM EMERGE 50 is all about honouring the true spirit of SMEs
The contribution of the SME community to the Indian IT-BPO industry can never be overemphasized but most Emerging companies face a major challenge in getting their due recognition and at times even loose out to the larger players. Size definitely does matter, but should not be the only criteria for recognition. The Indian IT-BPO Industry […]
The Indian Education Market: Manipal K-12 (Company Profile)
The Indian educational market can prove interesting for private businesses, even in these times . India has a large population (more than 500 million) in the age group 0-24, the government spending on education is spent (nearly 97%) on meeting operational expenses and not for capital expenditure and for the average Indian, education for the […]
Its Black Magic Stupid!
Black Swan is the buzzword for economists and other street guys across the world. Black Swan is the name of the book written by Nicholas Taleb in which he says that Black Swan is an event which is beyond our thinking. People across the world have started to call recent financial crisis as once in […]
Starting Up in a Downturn
Downturn? I have only realized it much later after turning entrepreneur in December 2008. Nothing seems to have changed. March is busy as usual for clients when one rationalizes that business would start flowing in from April! Clients on the other hand are as difficult to make part with money beyond the idea honeymoon as […]
Some Nuggets on Starting up, and Scaling Out
These are links to some presentations that were part of Startonomics, a conference for Startups. There are some very good nuggets that most of our companies could benefit from: 1. Moving out of the Garage: 2. Product Development 101 (Fast Track Product Development)
Online vouchers – SaaS approach
Recently I was approached by some people who were interested in developing a software for the administration of their daily office work. They wanted it really cheap. Now these are the poeple who started using computers at their workplace recently. Now they have realized that a software can give them some advantage in the competition. […]
Local Language Internet
There’s an interesting discussion on local language internet in India by Mahesh following IAMAI report on the same. Some perspectives on the same: Should there be local language internet – Absolutely! The power of internet lies in micro-segmentation, and there is no “need to dump Kannada” as Mahesh puts it. Is there a market on […]
Social Mutual Fund
Interesting company kaChing – of course there are challenges around sustainable returns, building credibility, and marketing. But a very interesting disintermediation effort between capital and investment managers. Would you use something like this?
Enterprise Collaboration tools: Adoption and Benefits?
There’s been a lot of noise about online collaboration tools / Enterprise 2.0 / Knowledge Management, and we have seen a lot of products in the space. There are players ranging from the traditional Enterprise tools vendors like IBM and Microsoft with all encompassing heavy products, to a bunch of start-ups with their wares trying […]
Top 6 Tips to Expand Your LinkedIn Network
Given the proliferation of Social Media, your profile on Social and Professional networking sites deserves a significant attention. Globally, people are harnessing the power of social media for varied purposes – to attract customers, partners and talent are some of common objectives achieved through professional networking. But, not everyone is equally successful in meeting their […]
Why Not A Political Startup
Given the mess that our political system is in, I wonder why professionals have not seriously looked at creating a political startup. Present service providers have been providing low quality services for decades in what really should be a buyers’ market given that we are a democratic country. People have been crying for a better […]