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Is the time right ?

i am posting after a long time. I have been quite active with India Against Corruption and had a brainstorming session with some people in the US. One of the topics was to create a company that would be an rti resource centre which would make it easier for consumers and govt agencies to get […]

Do you want to be known as one of the Future IT Companies globally..? ...

Do your products/services have the potential to redefine benchmarks of excellence for the industry? Have you witnessed accelerated growth patterns over the last 2-3 years consistently using innovative business models? Have you successfully ventured and leveraged emerging/domestic markets for faster financial growth? Here’s your chance to ride the wave to fame, as INNOVATION, GROWTH and […]

Give me an idea and I will make you POOR

Standard and Poor says America is getting POOR. Economists ,capitalists,governments and people are discussing the fallout of such a situation. But what does it mean for an entrepreneur.In case somebody has misssed recent article by Jug Suraiya in TOI ,here it is .Wherein the associate writer mentions that in this knowledge economy ,US started producing everying […]