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TiE Entrepreneurial Summit – Call to register

The largest entrepreneurship symposiums in Asia in its fifth year – TiE Entrepreneurial Summit (TES) 2010: “Enterprising India – Changing the Nation, Leading the World”, a 3 day mega event scheduled in Delhi from 21st – 23rd Dec 2010 that would focus on entrepreneurial opportunities in a wide range of domains; world renowned selection of […]

1M/1M Strategy Roundtable: Where Should You Raise Money?

During this week’s roundtable we had a group of entrepreneurs from the Pune Open Coffee Club gather at the offices of Persistent Systems to participate in the roundtable together. It is a very good format for entrepreneur groups around the world to get together and network around the roundtable programming which happens every week, religiously.  […]


I am currently reading “Different” by Youngme Moon ( HBS marketing faculty) which talks of “idea brands” among other things. This book coupled with Innovators Solution by Clayton Christensen are books that may inspire some of the people who will create billion dollar market cap companies in India from scratch. For most entrepreneurs hitting a […]

Angel investments in India – miles to go

Over past few years, angel investments have picked up in India, but the wide gap between quantum of angel investments and later stage investments remains. Some sense of where we need to head – For US, The data from the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Venture Research show angels invested $8.5 billion in the […]