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What are you investing in Today?

Media has followed the boom and tone-down in venture capital over past 4 years. As much as last 12 months saw a dip in venture capital, I have a feeling that some of the enthusiasm from journalists declined as well. Only the most dedicated journalists have survived the theme fatigue! And as many of us […]

Software Architect

There is a partially VC funded start–up which has had a pilot going on for 2 years in Delhi which  caught the personal attention of Bill Gates when he visited Delhi in Nov 2OO8 leading to partial funding by him to keep the fires burning. Bill Gates has a financial inclusion mission which is dear to […]

Barcamp Chandigarh @ 22 Nov

The startup ecosystem in Chandigarh, the city beautiful, is buzzing with activity. On 12 November the results of Business plan competition, Enterprize – organized by TIE Chandigarh & Chandigarh Administration, were announced. The winners got place in the EDC setup by the Chandigarh Administration, in the IT park. Continuing the good news for start-up folks, […]

Book Review – Getting to Plan B

Just finished reading this book by John Mullins and Randy Komisar. It outlines the importance of iterating on the business to evolve the plan continuously – in many cases, the initial plan that entrepreneurs start with doesn’t work as it is.

Will angels dirty their hands?

I was speaking to a successful entrepreneur and angel investor yesterday about the evolving angel investment climate in India. He voiced a concern that seems to strike a chord – that while many successful entrepreneurs in India are involving themselves in angel funding, and even setting up early stage funds, there is a tendency to […]

Last date for nominations extended till 20th October 2009 for the NASS...

The NASSCOM-BCG Innovation Report 2007 detailed the imperative for companies to significantly increase innovation to develop path-breaking services/products and delivery mechanisms, etc. Since then, there has been a transformation in the character of the Indian IT-BPO sector, which has embraced innovation. Participating in the innovation movement have been multinationals, who have set up captive R&D […]

Angel Investor Event: Kolkata/October 21

One Billion Minds continuing its mission to foster the spirit of innovation & entrepreneurship in India, invites innovators to present path breaking ideas to an international team of angel investors on October 21, 2009 at Kolkata Date: October 21st 2009 Venue:  ITC Room, Bengal Chambers of Commerce, Kolkata Eligibility: Product or Service with High Innovation […]