Seeing a lot of healthy debate on Venturewoods regarding  the VC – entrepreneur relationship and even some amount of VC bashing in comments, I thought of summarizing my own experiences so far.Having talked, met and pitched to several Indian VCs, I have discovered four distinct breeds which are obviously broad categorizations based on my own […]
TiE ISB Connect 2009 is on October 22-23 in Hyderabad
TiE-ISB Connect ’09 will be held on October 22nd and 23rd, 2009 at Hotel Marriott Hyderabad. Organized by the TiE, Hyderabad Chapter and the Wadhwani Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (WCED), ISB. This year TiE-ISB Connect will focus on looking beyond the current challenges and focus on the real issues that face entrepreneurs as they establish […]
Does your VC suck?
Paul Jazefak has an interesting post on VC bashing. I was at the TiECon last week chairing a panel around fundraising, when the ultimate happened – a VC on the panel started bashing VCs! How much worse can it get 🙂 I think part of the issue here is a lack of understanding of the […]
TiECon Delhi from Sept 18 to Sept 19
TiECon Delhi is about to happen at Taj Palace Hotel, SP Marg, Chanakyapuri, Delhi, Sept 18-19, sessions from 9:00am onwards and networking dinner/cocktails at 7:30 pm on 18th Sept, 2009 (Website: ) . Dont Know what’s TiE ? Never heard of TiECon ? Then read right on…
Positioning to Win is the theme for the NASSCOM Product Conclave 2009 ...
It is time yet again for NASSCOM Product Conclave, India’s leading and most prestigious platform for the burgeoning software product development community. The exhibition-cum-conference, a Mecca for the country’s “software product†innovators, will be held in Bangalore on October 27-28, for the third consecutive year.
TiE Con Delhi | Offer to Venturewoods Community
TiE Delhi has extended an offer to Venturewoods community for their annual flagship event – TiE Connect (18th & 19th Sep) 1. First two people will get a free invitation for the entire event 2. All will be able to avail TiE membership rates for the event (Rates offered to TiE members are subsidized as […]
WSJ: Time required to build software companies
WSJ Venture Capital Dispatch has an interesting article on how long it takes to build large (defined there as time to get to $50M revenue) software companies. The answer: 8-9 years on an average if the sample is top 100 public software companies. Thats pretty long, given that the sample is really the top end. […]
Is Micro-Funding a New Trend to Come?
A lot of folks seem to be very curious as to what I am working on, since my stepping back from Well, quite a bit actually and on some rather serious stuff. Serious as cash, infact. One of the major concerns that has been on my mind is the scarcity of capital in this […]
TiECon Delhi – Registrations open
TiECon Delhi is being held on Sep 18th and 19th. The theme this year is “Smart Entrepreneurship in Challenging Times”. The emphasis is on highlighting winning tactics in a market where many businesses have faced uncertainty and slowdown, and external financing has become harder to raise. Registrations are open – you may register here. Looks […]
“Standard term sheet” suggestions
TheFunded has published what it believes should be a standard termsheet in venture financings. Their argument is that the following balances the rights and incentives of investors and founders well, and the negotiation should be limited to valuation and amount being raised. Interesting point of view. FFI Plain Preferred Term Sheet – Chris Dixon has […]
Twittering for a cause – Help build a library
Do children have a right to books, toys and the freedom to read, learn and imagine? I am not sure if the constitution guarantees it but working as an entrepreneur in the Indian Education sector that is something I found missing. While we talk of revolutionizing education by the use of technology, millions wait for […]
Winners Of The Entrepreneur Journeys Book Promotion
Hello readers, here are the winners of the Entrepreneur Journeys book review promotion: Entrepreneur Journeys (Volume One) Virat Singh Khutal Manav Ahuja Bipin Preet Singh Manjula Sridhar Suarabh Garg :: Entrepreneur Journeys (Volume Two): Bootstrapping, Doing More With Less Sreekanth Balakrishnan Varun Gupta Vineesh Kumar Roopesh Nair Shashank Mohan Winners, you will hear from Maureen […]