Indian entrepreneurs and readers, Alok Mittal suggested a special offer for VentureWoods readers. I’m always interested in your perspective and am curious to hear some of your thoughts after reading my Entrepreneur Journeys and Bootstrapping books. I will gladly have a copy of either book sent to the first 10 people who are interested in […]
MVP – Announcing Batch 3 – New startups & new gang members
The Morpheus Venture Partners (MVP) gang just got bigger with the addition of 10 new startups and 20 new founders, taking the total to 20 companies and 40 founders. Read the official media release. Personally I am very excited with this new batch, already been learning a lot of stuff. Would love to know what […]
Who is an entrepreneur?
 Do not stare at this picture for too long! Just out of a really late night discussion with a colleague at One Billion Minds. What is your word?
Bootstrapping: Doing More With Less
Some of you may have followed a recent discussion on my blog, 18,000 People On The Bench At Infosys. I have to say, I am continuously frustrated by aspiring entrepreneurs telling me that they cannot move forward because seed funding is not available in India. My message has always been, bootstrap the beginning, and then […]
Sunil Mittal’s Forbes Interview
I know its all over the web by now, but couldn’t help linking it here – great perspectives on conviction, persuasion, partnerships and organizational transitions.
Books on Entrepreneurship/ Facebook
I happened to make the following post on facebook and was amazed with the response I got there in 12 hours. Apart from the suggestions that came in, and some of them might be useful for venturewoods community, the level and timeliness of participation was great. Kinda makes blogging look like old world! Where is […]
Faceoff at Proto
ETNow did an interesting faceoff session with myself and Vishal Gondal at the Proto Pune edition. I quite liked the informal format – with Vishal at the other end, you can be assured of some laughter! On a more serious note, the discussion does touch upon some of the evolution of VC space in India […]
Catch all the action at – live!
At, the start ups are in the limelight. Every one of them come to to launch their product, get feedback and network with people who can help them in realizing their dream. Over the past editions, we have been doing this feedback and networking informally and also through forms at the venue. But […]
The Tweetie Helpline | @start24x7
So, We have been kinda noticing this trend. Forums are great, and with the present rate at which the startup community seems to be growing, there is more and more a need to be real-time. We felt it, just by the way we were interacting with people on twitter, but there was certainly a need […]
Angel Investment Ecosystem in India | Need Inputs
Hi All, I have heard speakers, panelists and entrepreneurs saying lack of angel financing as a major gap in the Indian entrepreneurial ecosystem. At Canaan, we have always tried best to participate in the start up ecosystem. This year, we are contemplating to initiate a dialogue with angel investors in a more systematic manner. In […]
Google’s Research Interests
Readwriteweb has an article on some of the research projects google is pursuing. Interesting as to the kind of problems one can try and attack at scale! What should be Google India’s list?
“Cloud Computing – A wave of opportunities for SMEs.†NASSCOM EMER
Having ridden the wave successfully on both the occasions – Delhi the first time, followed by Chennai, the third edition, would be hosted in the city where it all started. EMERGEOUT 2009 scheduled for 28th August in New Delhi is presently in its new avtar and growing stronger by the day. This time the theme, […]