There is a lot of knowledge that resides among people, and not everybody is able to make it to real-life meets. In an increasingly connected world, it might make sense to make use of the technology that exists. There are also a lot of folks – aspiring entrepreneurs in tier II cities who do want […]
Notes from GSMA
Eli Novershten from Canaan Israel office was at GSMA last month, and has shared his takeouts from the conference. I hope it is useful. Please use the fullscreen mode at bottom right of the widget for clarity. It seems that cell phones are beginning to come across as a shock to mobile telecom companies! The […]
Barcamp Indore – 22nd Mar
We invite you to be a part of the first ever BarCamp Indore being hosted by IIM Indore. A BarCamp is an ad-hoc ‘un-conference’ born from the desire of people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. Anyone with something to contribute […]
No Criminals Campaign
This is a public interest post – The core idea of the ‘No Criminals’ campaign is to launch a nationwide effort to enable large numbers of citizens to appeal to political parties not to give tickets to people with criminal antecedents in the upcoming elections. Read and sign the appeal on website. Join the facebook […]
Should Facebook and Twitter bother to make money? (Iqbal Gandham)
Another late night post after a evening kicking a ball around a five-a-side pitch 🙂 Have been thinking for a while about Facebook, Twitter and the likes, i.e all the big networks which are trying to make money. Now we all know on the web there are only two ways of really making money a) […]
National business plan Competition – Bizconp2009
Business Plan competition (BizComp2009) organized by  Sri Jayachamarajendra college of engineering-Science and Technology entrepreneurs Park (SJCE-STEP), who has pioneered entrepreneurship development and incubation. BizComp2009 is conducted in association with National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India and Sri Jayachamarajendra college of engineering (SJCE) under TEQIP assistance. […]
NEN EWeek Pledge
On February 7, the third edition of Entrepreneurship Week India was launched across the country with almost 400,000 students and professionals showcasing their entrepreneurial spirit – double the number of participants from last year. Run by the non-profit National Entrepreneurship Network, a Wadhwani Foundation initiative, E Week India is designed to improve the country’s entrepreneurial […]
Free Strategy Roundtables For Entrepreneurs
I am doing some Free Online Strategy Roundtables for entrepreneurs to discuss your business issues with me. During this 60-minute session, entrepreneurs are invited to pitch me their ideas in a 3-minute presentation. I will review the material in real-time and provide feedback on each pitch, as well as address specific strategy questions from the […]
Feedback for Forbes Column
Friends, I am doing a series on Entrepreneurship in India for Forbes, and would like to hear your thoughts. Would you please comment at my site and leave your name/affiliation on the site, so that I can use some of your comments in the articles, and duly attribute them? The first of these pieces is […]
Business Plan Competition @ IT-BHU
Date – 19th -22nd February, 2009 Website – IT-BHU is holding a B plan competition as part of the annual Techno Management Festival Magnus Opus. It provides a platform for all entrepreneurs to showcase their talent and be appraised. This year the event will be judged by a special team from NSTEDB (National Science […]
Some Nuggets on Starting up, and Scaling Out
These are links to some presentations that were part of Startonomics, a conference for Startups. There are some very good nuggets that most of our companies could benefit from: 1. Moving out of the Garage: 2. Product Development 101 (Fast Track Product Development)
How we got Nivio to Davos (WEF)…and won
Alot of emails later, with the same question being asked again and again, I have decided to write a blog post, making my life easier and hopefully yours. In short you need to partner with a PR company who have done it before (we used Chameleon in the UK). Once this is done you have […]