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Rediff Enterprise Value $24M

Interesting coverage on rediff – its now at $24M enterprise value. As much as for a long time, Rediff commanded high valuations that few could explain, it now seems to have gone in the other direction. Would love to get people’s views on whats happening here. As a bellwether for Indian internet industry, these numbers […]

Bill Gates in Delhi – Nov 6th, 2008- Opening wallets to Fund Research

I attended Mr.Bill Gates’ talk– heard some very interesting ideas from Mr.Gates about opening wallets for research on the world’s pressing problems. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is practically “giving away” US $100,000 grants to researchers based on 2-page summaries of innovative ideas. I didnt post the longer article/snaps in venturewoods- because I felt […]

Navigating through the Economic Blues

Like many other small to medium companies we are also being tested in the economic conditions – delayed payments, delayed sales decisions, delayed cash inflow. I would like to share some thoughts on how we can counter this situation. We are implementing many of the following to gear up for the rough weather. I hope […]

Lessons in Service Management – The Airtel mChek fiasco

(UPDATE: Sanjay Swamy has posted that they have fixed this problem) This is first in series of posts where I will share some of my (unfortunately, mostly negative) experiences with brands, with a purpose to highlight my learnings in designing services and managing customer experience. Will welcome contributions and experiences from others as well. This […]

Entrepreneurs/Startups Event at Bangalore on November 7

Government of Karnataka is organizing an International Conference on IT called Bangalore on 6th.7th and 8th Nov in Palace Grounds, Bangalore. This year, we a new segment called YESSS-(Young Entrepreneurs’ Start ups in Soaring Spirits) is introduced, aiming at bringing together young entrepreneurs, successful entrepreneurs and VCs on a common platform to discuss the various aspects of […]

TiECon 2008 Delhi

TiEcon Delhi 2008 scheduled from October 22nd – 24th, 2008 at Hotel Maurya Sheraton would be one of the largest conventions for entrepreneurs and is the eighth consecutive TiEcon hosted by TiE Delhi. The theme of this year’s conference is “Entrepreneurship Comes of Age” TiEcon’s in India have attracted people who are CEO’s, successful entrepreneurs, […]

Top 3 Reasons to use LinkedIn Answers

LinkedIn Answers is one of the most powerful and under utilized Professional Networking tools available today. Here are my take on top 3 reasons to leverage LinkedIn Answers. 1. FREE Expert Advice: Obviously, the most common reason to use LinkedIn Answers is to get free advice. Almost contrary (you still need to put effort to […]