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Proto – The second coming

Just a quick post to see if anyone attended, and what they thought. I’ve been looking through the ones that made it, and reviewed the Internet ones over on my blog, and web apps like routeguru, were simply awesome. Having said that, I was a bit disappointed by the small volume, and also the quality, […]

Virtual exhibition time!

Just to tell all those who are interested that I’ll be launching an exhibition of my analog and digital art in the virtual world of Second Life. The exhibition launches on 21 July, and goes on for a month. It is being hosted by the Second Life library on Info Island. All those who are […]

Open Facebook

Great article on the impact of the open facebook platform. The ability for developers to plugin features into facebook and service the 30 million community already using facebook marks the demise of “one up feature social networks”. What does this mean for Indian social networks? Facebook is already ranked 22 in India by Alexa, and […]

Tandem Entrepreneurs Pt 2

Folks, thanks for the comments and questions both on the blog and that were sent to me through email. I do appreciate the feedback and it is always welcome. I decided to answer the questions in a post as opposed to a comment and hope that is appropriate. There were 4 main questions 1. Does […]

Cisco Capital to raise 2nd India fund

from ET: CISCO Capital, the technology financing arm of Cisco Systems, is planning to raise a second India dedicated fund worth $200-250 million. The company, which provides easy financing solutions to companies like LG and Symphony Services, has already infused $110 million out of its first $150 million India fund. “Though the first fund was […]

Returns to capital in microenterprises

A very interesting new paper, Returns to Capital in Microenterprises, examines some key issues around investing in microenterprises, which should be of interest to all who are watching the BoP ecosystem take shape as a market. From the abstract: Small and informal firms account for a large share of employment in developing countries. The rapid […]

Tandem Entrepreneurship

After my last company was acquired, I found the time to look at the world around and I was quickly came to realize that it’s a perfect time to start a company. Traditionally startups have required teams of 15-20, two+ years and millions of dollars before they have their first hundred users. There was a […]

The “Anti-Portfolio”

Bessemer Ventures has a fascinating page on what they call their “anti-portfolio” — basically, companies that they refused to invest in, that went on to become HUGE successes. In Bessemer’s case, these include Apple, eBay, Fedex, google, and Intel. I think this is a great idea, especially if the various GPs at Bessemer (and other […]

Indian ventures – losing out on Indian market?

As per alexa, China top 50 sites has only three global companies in there – Google, Yahoo, MSN/Live/MS – rest all seem to be Chinese companies. By contrast, India top 50 includes Google/Orkut, Yahoo, MSN/Live/MS as well as sites like youtube, blogger, rapidshare, wikipedia, tom(!), megaupload, monsterindia, xboard, facebook, screensavers, ebay, starware, digitalpoint, imdb, flickr, […]

Categories of Consumer Internet

There have been numerous good blogs and discussions on the Web 2.0 or other Internet/media opportunities in India. I’ve tried to create a more formal categorization of consumer facing Internet companies, based on the value they provide to the users and their role in the value chain. I believe the (at least short-term) prospects of […]