Channelnewsasia has done a profile coverage with me, and that has some good perspective on what we might do as Canaan Partners in India. If you have access to the channel, they are going to telecast this half hour show at following times: Singapore: Monday 9.30pm Repeat telecasts: Tuesday 12.30am & 12.30pm, Wednesday 4.30pm Regional: […]
Care to join me for a ride!?
I tried 43 new features of the ‘all new Scorpio’. Would you care to join me for a ride!?
Ecosystem Frustration
I read the posts/comments on VW since I have been away with interest. In my opinion most of the conflict and frustration arise from a lack of understanding on what kind of funding a venture needs and at what stage it is. First time entrepreneurs find it much harder. Entrepreneurs with a track record find […]
Y Combinator
Paul Graham has an interesting approach for seed funding. Maybe there is something we can learn and adapt. Some of us in Band of Angels may like to launch a Y Combinator . To do a proper launch will take some time. This post is just a test check to see what prospective entrepreneurs in […]
Second Life
I have been hearing a lot about secondlife, and I finally decided to research some up. For beginners, the articles in Businessweek and Wired would provide a credible source of information. Briefly, secondlife is a virtual world with a real economy. People can buy land, build houses, offer services and so on. And the currency […]
WB report on China and India in the Global Economy
This is a draft report, but looks very interesting. I will re-read this in more detail soon. China is now the world’s fourth largest economy and growing very fast. India’s economic salience is also on the rise. Together these two countries will profoundly influence the pace and nature of global economic change. Drawing upon the […]
Long tail rebuttal
We have had some discussion on long tail earlier, including Lee Gomes’ critique earlier. Chris Andersen, the original proponent of Long tail, comes back with an explanation and rebuttal in this podacast. His central point — he refers to long tail not as a back loaded distribution of goods (with respect to sales), but the […]
Interview on Kamla Bhatt Show
Kamla Bhatt did an audio interview with me earlier this week — it is available here. I was looking through their site, and they seem to have done a fair number of very interesting interviews with people focussed on the indian entrepreneurial environment. The audio format also makes it more engaging relative to a text […]
Why VCs need to make money, and how
Just saw a couple of side discussions on some comments posted elsewhere on VW. Am bringing this up as a main post as it might be of interest to others as well. Rad said What applies to the rest of world, doesnt apply to India. Everybody – Indian Entrepeneurs, Indian VCs, Indian Angels need to […]
Online Travel — more new fellas
Online travel continues to get interest. After half a dozen early stage investments and launches, consumer experience remains at abyssmal levels. My own view is that these players will figure it out over next few months, but a person I was talking to made a valid point — focus on user experience is in the […]
Green Ocean ,Blue Ocean ,Astronomer & Astrounaut
This saturday i attended a event organized by Tie-BoA . Agenda of this event was to announce a collaboration /Alliance bitween Tie and Band Of Angeles as an initiatvie to nurture a Silicon Valley like Eco System in india. I am writng this post to highlight one aspect of this eco system which i have […]
In bay area 15-21 Sep
Would love to meet any folks on venturewoods who might be there too! Pls respond to this post and I’ll get the notification.