Unfortunately not all new ventures end up as success stories. The reasons are plenty and well known. But start-ups continue to commit those very same mistakes. Ensuring success involves implementing the critical parts of the business plan in a systematic way. Like, identifying the product functionalities that will have takers; building a scalable sales process; […]
Stars Aligned to Foretell Future of Indian Private Equity & Venture Ca
Dear Colleague, In 2004, the buzz around one mega exit – of Private Equity investor Warburg Pincus from Bharti Airtel – got institutional investors across the world excited about the Indian Private Equity opportunity. Naturally, there was a boom in PE fund offerings from India- typically focused on minority growth capital type investments – to […]
Indian Ecommerce 2013
My views on what to expect from Indian ecommerce sector in 2013 – the profitability challenge, the financing challenge, and the differentiation challenge. Read here.
Tata Social Enterprise Challenge – Call for Nominations
Tata group and IIMC have launched the Tata Social Enterprise Challenge. Key highlights: • National level competition to find India’s most promising social enterprises • Identified social entrepreneurs to be offered mentorship support, funding opportunities and an opportunity to be incubated at IIM Calcutta’s Incubation Centre • Teams need to have an early stage venture […]
“Has that horse bolted” – State of angel investment in India
Sumanth posted this comment on my earlier post regarding 2013 predictions for startup ecosystem in India. The topic interested me enough to write a full post on the subject of where angel investors seem to stand in the ecosystem. I write this post as one member of angel investment community in India. First, an anecdote […]
ReadWrite – Predictions for 2013
Interesting post around startup predictions for 2013 here. Somewhat US centric, and I thought I’d overlay my comments for India alongside. 1. Accelerators will slow down: India may see a lag in slowing down of accelerators, and this may not happen in 2013. We might in fact see more accelerators come up. However, I am […]
HR Ideas for Business : 6-10 : Induction, Probation, Hiring, Grievance...
Here are the next 5 Ideas for better Business performance in building Human Synergies. In this posting you would find basic information about Induction, Probation, Grievance Redressal, High Requirement Hiring and Setting Expectation of Performance. These are very day-to-day issues and needs to be addressed on the go.  Please do read and add new inputs and perspective […]
VendorStack – what software do startups use
VendorStack has an interesting map of software being used by startups (in US) of late. Seems largely relevant to Indian startups as well, VendorStack – Top 50 vendors to startups from Alok Mittal
Mary Meeker update
An incremental update to Mary Meeker internet report. On the India front, internet continues to grow fast, mobile web surpasses desktop web, and smartphone penetration takes off with a lot of headroom to go, 2012 KPCB Internet Trends Year-End Update from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Changing face of Mobile VAS
We have had several discussions on Mobile VAS on venturewoods earlier. Many of us have noticed the transition away from operator-led services – for reasons to do with operators (revenue shares, non payment of dues), service operators (excessive push, billing frauds), as well as regulators (ad-hoc regulations). Last friday, Canaan did an event around emerging […]
The hotcake idea of the event was Design A-Board. Design A-Board – An Interior Designer Palette on the Web. We all go through different interior designs magazines and dream about the picture perfect house while talking to an interior designer but when it comes to reality, we realize that as there is a […]
Raising Venture Capital Workshop – Bangalore Dec 18
Radical Shift presents a half-day workshop on successfully navigating the venture capital funding process, delivered by a former venture capitalist. Bangalore, December 18, 2012; 9am to 1pm Are you planning to raise external funding for your boot-strapped startup? Are you an SME owner looking for venture capital/private equity to accelerate growth? Do you want to […]