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Give me an idea and I will make you POOR

Standard and Poor says America is getting POOR. Economists ,capitalists,governments and people are discussing the fallout of such a situation. But what does it mean for an entrepreneur.In case somebody has misssed recent article by Jug Suraiya in TOI ,here it is .Wherein the associate writer mentions that in this knowledge economy ,US started producing everying […]

Indian Entrepreneur Mindset

Indian entrepreneurs typically think innovation means invention or product innovation… But, to be a successful grocery store owner also, you need to innovate enough… thanks Pradyot Innovation Engineering Innovation Engineering Forum

Entrepreneurs and VCs can use Innovation Engineering

Yes.Entrepreneurs and VCs can use Innovation Engineering. Entrepreneurs to understand the needs, design, implement, validate/verify and evolve/revolutionize Innovation. VCs to validate/verify and revalidate/reverify Innovation of their portfolio and future portfolio companies. More on Innovation Engineering is here: and here

Free Strategy Roundtables For Entrepreneurs

I am doing some Free Online Strategy Roundtables for entrepreneurs to discuss your business issues with me. During this 60-minute session, entrepreneurs are invited to pitch me their ideas in a 3-minute presentation. I will review the material in real-time and provide feedback on each pitch, as well as address specific strategy questions from the […]

Free To Innovate

I have been talking to lots of entrepreneurs about various business models to support innovation, especially in industries from which VCs are pulling out (Security, Networking, Chips, Enterprise Software, etc.). This article looks at a business model that offers an alternative framework to support innovation. Read my latest Forbes column, Free to Innovate, and the […]

Entrepreneur Journeys (Volume One) Now on Amazon

Friends, I have embarked on writing a book series to help you navigate your own personal entrepreneurial journeys by listening to entrepreneurs who have come before. Volume One of the series is now available on You can read more on the project here. Take a look, and I will be inviting some of you […]

A Funded Startup: An Alienated Brother?

I have seen this cycle happen over and over again. There would be a set of guys who’d be around in most barcamps and social circles and someday they’d decide to start a company, and eventually build a product that’d gain quite a bit of traction from the “first adopters” that you find in barcamps, […]

Vision India 2020: Preface

This is a new series in which I invite readers to take a journey with me into the future through the minds of multiple entrepreneurs, who by addressing the opportunities I see today, will perhaps shape the future of India. But in this series, we will close our eyes, and exist in this future, and […]