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How simply can I explain the core philosophy of our start-up Well, let me try.
Something that you always wanted to do at a price that you never thought you could.
Sounds gimmicky. Absolutely not.
The trick lies in bulk buying from the merchants and transferring the benefit to our registered users.
As they say no idea is original, we copied ours from the Wallmarts, K- marts, Targets and the back street Kirana stores. The twist is, it?s not products, its services.
So our band of expert street smart foot soldiers, our Kevin Spacey styled negotiators, simply walks in to the best of brands offering services at a premium, wrestle a deal by promising a certain clientele and deliver it to your inbox.
Is it as simple as it sounds.
Yes, the idea is. No, the execution is not.
The rub lies first in foreseeing the brands and services you desire, then wrestling an unmatched, unbeatable bargain from our merchants. Believe you me, they can be very tough negotiators and they don?t like giving it out so easily. As it?s anybody?s guess the bigger and more desirable the brand and service, the more we are made to talk to their IVRs and secretaries. Sometimes for weeks in a row. Thirdly, making you use your debit/ credit cards online, which I believe is still a taboo even in big cities like our very own Bengaluru.
How does work?
Let me explain.
1. We host an incredible deal a day.
2. You receive a mail about it and so do your friends. If they don?t, you send them. Because the deal is tipped ? grabbed – bagged only after a certain number of people go for it.
3. You go bag the deal, have a gala time, come back and keep refreshing your inbox waiting for our next offer.
What?s koovs revenue model?
What do we get for this toil we undertake. Nothing as of now. Seriously. But the esteemed readers of this portal can very well guess the source of the moolah, dough and bread.
Is it the Team koovs first time? 😉
Hell no. Veterans in developing websites and running businesses for some of the most renowned and successful startups in India, this is our next big offering. Choosing Bangalore as our test market, for the very reason that its home to the most net savvy people in the country, we have in place our teams in other mega cities on standby, doing the ground work.
Where is koovs headed next?
Recently we hit 90% success ratio in hosting and cracking the deals. And I would rate it a little less that fantabulous, as we were aiming at 95. Besides, to make this model big, we have already worked out a couple of brilliant strategies which we are keeping a little hush- hush for now.
A team of IITians and MBA grads from premier institutes in India, the mix is heady and steady.
Now, after answering all your queries, I will leave you with just one question. Did you bag you Koovs today?
glad to introduce a unique social commerce venture from India – – Daily deals on fun things to do, see and experience in your city at upto 70% discount based on collective action engine!
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Just thought, would let the community know that mobikwik has opened up a mobile recharge API for free at :
Mobikwik API has the following advatnages :
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Dear Ladies and Gents,
my company establishes innovative software products from asian software vendors at the european market and develop them to market leaders. Therefore prime assets invests together with the software vendor in the market development. We take full responsibility for the achievement of the european business. After a successful build-up (> 3 years) prime assets sells a sustainable high-yield company to the software vendor in a cash/share deal.
We are looking for software companies with an established customer base in the BtoB environment and the technological potential to become a market leader.
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