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Hi All:
I am a legal professional based out of Bangalore. I specialize in understanding the legal needs of startups and providing customized services as required.
Specifically, I focus in areas of corporate law, company law, real estate, contracts and technology laws amongst others. I currently work with companies which are 0 to 5 year old and are located across India.
In case you are in need of any legal service, feel free to contact met at ashwinickulkarni at gmail dot com and we can discuss.
3rd SMM (Social Media Marketing) Bootcamp by Digital Vidya
After the success of its 1st two SMM (Social Media Marketing) bootcamps, Digital Vidya is proud to announce and invite you to its 3rd bootcamp on Mar 12, 13 (Fri & Sat) in Delhi.
As earlier, this will be a 2 days, hands-on workshop to enable you to leverage Social Media Marketing to scale up your business and transform your personal brand. The key promises of this SMM Bootcamp are:
– How other businesses are succeeding (and few failing) in SMM?
– How to develop and execute SMM strategy for your business?
– How to leverage Social Media for B2B lead generation?
– How can you measure and ongoing keep a track on the success of SMM campaigns?
– Why, What and How of leveraging various Social Media Marketing channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc)
The format of the bootcamp will comprise of hands-on-exercises, case studies, videos, quizzes, competitions, discussions, arguments and of course a lot of fun. The details about the bootcamp schedule and venue is available at
This workshop will be conducted by Digital Vidya founders Pradeep Chopra and Kapil Nakra, who with combined experience of over 20 years in digital marketing are among the early adopters of this medium in India.
The registration fee for this event is Rs 12,500 (+10.3% service tax). If you are looking at attending this event, you can register online at For any further details or questions, you can contact Pradeep Chopra at
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About Invoicera
Invoicera specializes in providing state of the art online invoicing and billing solutions. Designed to keep the online invoicing convenience in mind, Invoicera has always focused on the easy of use and simplicity. With plethora of online invoicing applications to choose from, Invoicera has stood out by providing some of the best invoicing features keeping the highest degree of simplicity. It is ideal for business models that require quick invoicing and streamlined workflow processes
What Invoicera has got to offer through its e-invoicing solution
There is already enough data to support the growth and acceptance of the Internet as the preferred medium for carrying out online transactions. Though the advantages on e-invoicing are one and many, here is what Invoicera has to offer:
• 60% reduction in invoicing cost
• 46% faster processing cycle
• 12% fewer late penalties
• 18% less time spend chasing payments
Scope and Benefits
Fast, cheap, easy to use and environment-friendly – these are the benefits of an online invoicing system. It costs about $2.65 to issue one paper invoice, but online invoicing can save as much as 60% of the cost for each invoice.
Each month the average small business owner spends 18% of his or her time on paperwork, most of that is asking for, or chasing cash that is outstanding. If you could harness all that time you could spend it more fruitfully by making more money instead of trying to bring in what is owed. This is where small business online invoicing i.e. Invoicera can come to your aid and give you back that missing time.
Our Differentiators
As mentioned before, there is plethora of online invoicing applications available over the Internet today. This makes the competition even fiercer and challenging as the margin for error is minimal. However, this where Invoicera stands out as our online invoicing processing breeds the following multiple advantages:
1) Time Tracking for Effective Project Management
2) Expense Tracking to Bill clients for the Expenses borne on their behalf
3) Multiple Currency Support (with currency conversion)
4) As Many as 14 Payment Gateways to Choose From
5) Invoice Scheduling (provided by Invoicera alone)
6) Late Fee Option for Clients Who Pay Late
7) Recurring invoicing with Auto Bill Capabilities
8) Sending Invoices as an Attachment in PDF Format
The advantages do not end here. Incorporating all these features has not diluted the underlying Invoicera principle: Simple, quick and yet powerful. is an innovative product for delivering mobile Wallpapers, games, animations and ringtones directly to your mobile phones. We at Twistcontent have developed a unique system, which directly sends SMS to user’s phones to download mobile wallpapers, mobile games, mobile animation and mobile ring tones. User has to simply click twice to get content. Generally it takes 5 to 10 clicks and lot of frustration to get content from other download websites. team has observed lot of difficulties for users to download mobile content on their phones and have also realized that the prices of mobile content offered by operators is very high which is not affordable by everyone. To solve these problems and to make mobile content available to everyone at very affordable prices we created
Currently is choosen by IIT Mumbai Entrepreneurship Summit 2010 for Showcasing Startup in Mumbai. It is selected amoung 14 Companies based on Innovation and Execution.
Email us for further query :