Any buzz you heard or want to share with the readers of this community, post in comments here.
Use the comments section on this page to post any buzz you have heard – might be a rumor, might be a gossip, might be just some juice! Is that hot startup on its way down? Or is it getting bought? Did they announce a deal that never existed? Share something here that news doesnt know! We will try and keep this as free as we can, except wont allow personally disparaging remarks.
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Comments regarding what should or shouldn’t happen on this section should be posted here. is a professional-social network focused around employer and salary information. It launched its public BETA on 12th September. Sign up now at:
JobeeHive enables users to rate/review employers, research on a prospective employer as well as get more info about a company – be it job offers, announcements, business opportunities etc.
Once you signup, you can fill up the employer review or salary form for your employer and can also follow any company you wish to.
JobeeHive provides rare salary information that will help professionals understand salaries, benefits and pay hikes in different companies across job grades and locations.
In the backdrop, JobeeHive is a platform to build your career network and interact with diverse industry professionals.
The most advanced and secure social networks platform in the world is now open for public registration post beta. It includes several first of its kind powerful features designed for getting real community business done online.
It supports the largest variety of content types (more in pipeline). Instant Google maps. Live chat rooms. Auto-partitioned blogs. Automatic photo gallery slideshows. Forums. Polls. Attachments. Embedded videos… more on the way. User comments and ratings of all content.
Fine grained community-specific role-based access control to features and community content. Your own community subdomain. Complete control over your community theme and look-and-feel including your own logo. Community hierarchies and content sharing ideal for enterprise and business social networks. Users earn points for various actions. Community ranking and featuring. Powerful anti-spam and privacy features. Comprehensive community administration and content moderation features. Mobile ready (with no content modification necessary). Multi-language ready (including major Indian languages). WISYWIG editor. Practically unlimited space. All core features are free for individuals and non-business communities.
More premium features and resources are available to upgraded user accounts and communities, and to enterprise customers. Create a full community hierarchy (in an enterprise, for example) easily from a single screen. Manage their look-and-feel. Lokalog.Com is also white-label ready for enterprises looking for a fully customizable, secure, advanced, and feature-complete hosted social network application service platform as a cost-effective outsourced solution far more intuitive for users and much more powerful than a wiki. Integration of custom features for specific enterprise customers is possible.
Log on to to experience the ultimate social network platform to host your own communities online. Talk to us on the user forums at Lokalog.Com if you have an idea for a new feature.
I wanted to inform all of you about the new website that I have launched recently.
The website is dedicated to the real estate and related industries and provides its users information about various service providers.
PerSquareFeet is a place to find, review and share your experience about builders, brokers, architects, interior designers and others in your area.
Do have a look at it.
We are a startup-This is what we are: was conceived amongst a melee of ideas about services that reach out to people. It soon emerged as the unanimous choice for our first venture at Munificent Ventures Private Limited. The “world’s on rent” now – broker and hassle free!
In today’s world people change jobs and move to a new city more often than they used to. focuses on easing out the challenges involved in this process.
Finding the right home to rent is the first challenge. Our Residential properties service provides you with your choice of location, integration with Google maps to ascertain proximity to schools, offices, shopping, medical care, recreation and much more. Absolutely broker free, no hidden costs. Just walk in and make yourselves at home.
Once you’ve found a wonderful home and saved on brokerage, hire movers and packers and also choose to rent rather than buy everything else – furniture, washing machines, refrigerators, computers, TV, laptops, cars and bikes, catering and tiffin services – we did tell you the world’s on rent, didn’t we? Keep visiting Rentimental – our list of new products and services on rent is growing!
We have ensured that the renting experience at Rentimental is broker free, safe and secure. Besides a comfortable and enriching online experience we have ensured that you receive excellent offline support when you call in.
Our team here at Munificent Ventures is a blend of youth and experience from IMT Nagpur and NIT Warangal. Together we bring to the table IT, engineering, management and entrepreneurial skills, backgrounds in banking, systems consulting and systems integration, project experience with international funding organizations and apex bodies of the government and above all, a common vision to combine social responsibility with business acumen and endeavor.
Although has just launched in Mumbai recently, we will be opening up in several other cities in the next few months.
Rentimental is the first of many exciting ventures from Munificent. Ventures that empower people and communities, open up opportunities and options and bring them within reach.
Meanwhile, the world’s on rent! Make it yours
Hello Friends,
My name is Manish Singh and I am from IITK and with me three more guys from IITK have built this CAT testing platform with Analytics engine and patent pending Recommendation engine.Some of our CAT 100 percentile friends have helped us in building this platform.Its a cool free portal for CAT guy .The site offers online mock CAT tests + Previous CAT papers + Topic wise Test. This site is very different and has many more features than what one may think of.I must say will impress you from the word go! Its test framework is quite cool and analysis part is something that I bet that you can’t find anywhere else. Its best part is its in-depth analysis that gives gory details of one’s performance – topic wise, difficulty wise, time requirements wise, comparative analysis of performance etc… etc… The analysis will really blew you off which is will very precisely point you out the issues with your preparation.In the end, You will find there is something call recommendations which will recommend CAT aspirant how he should have taken the test to maximize his/her score…
Please check out this startup and give us your valuable feedback.