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We wanted to share with you news about an exciting new social learning network;
which connects students, teachers, publishers, coaching centers and
schools from India on one platform.
Benefits for Students
* Free online tests for unlimited practice
* Compete with students from all India
* Check your rank, performance
* Generate your own Pop Quizzes
* Create communities, build school profiles, discussion forums
Benefits for Teachers, Coachings
* Create online groups for your coaching institute
* Collaborate with students, faculty and parents
* Messaging, forum, news, articles, polls
* Manage your teaching resources online
* Publish online test accessible to students of your coaching institute or open it for all students.
* Instant evaluation of all students, results available immediately, saving you and your faculty time and resources
* Increase the reach of your coaching institute: Attract student based from anywhere
* Conduct subscription based online exams for students from anywhere in India.
* Compete nationally with other coaching centers
Signup is free, just visit
May I take the opportunity to introduce you to – Indian Classifieds & more. is a Free Classifieds and Ads webportal in India for growth of any small or large business and reach out to the internet users across India looking for desired products and services. is an attempt to present the most user friendly Indian classified site. We are bunch of Indivisuals from diversed background. Our aim to see reaching one of the top Indian Classified Sites. We are confident to reach that level with the amount of response and support we are getting from our users.
Bloggers can now open their own Inkfruit Store and earn Rs 75/- on every sale! is an indian site with some awesome tshirts designed by designers from all over the world.
At Inkfruit designers from all over the world freely submit some awesome designs which get voted and commented on by our community, only the most popular ones get screen printed on tshirts. You will see that the designs we have are not only novel but one of the best collections in India and thus this store would be an addon to your site with ensured sales.
I’d like to introduce you to India’s first citizen networking website called – it’s almost an Orkut or Facebook for Indian Citizens to discuss national/social issues. This is particularly significant considering we’re close to the next General Elections. We’ve been in Beta mode since Oct 2 and will be announcing a full public release on Dec 23.
I’m including a brief write up below.
Kamal Sharma.
Corporate Communications Manager.
Our Mission
To build a robust technology platform that allows Indians to connect with each other, so they may work towards making an impact on our democracy by inspiring, sharing and debating ideas.
Pehle India is a non-profit initiative to connect India’s citizens with each other and mobilize public opinion. The organization itself does not propagate an ideology or promote a particular stand other than that of open communication and respect for every individual’s opinion – as long as it does not violate ethical or moral values and the Constitution of India.
The team working on Pehle India is a group of highly experienced IT professionals who have no political interests, alignments or aspirations. As modern day citizens we simply wish to ensure everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion, communicate with other citizens to understand their opinions and even engage in healthy debates on what is best for our nation.
The logical outcome of our endeavours is a citizen networking platform – a Web 2.0 styled safe meeting place for citizens to search for like-minded individuals within their constituency or across the nation and collaboratively brainstorm on issues that really matter to them. This is also an ideal new-age platform for media professionals, public administrators and aspiring or serving elected officials to better understand the pulse of the common man who is, without a doubt, the most important entity in this country.
A lot of thought and research has gone into the design and engineering of the website. It is subtle and minimalistic in nature. This meets three very important objectives for Pehle India. Firstly, it ensures the site is easily accessible even in distant towns of India where low bandwidth and older monitors are the norm. Secondly, it ensures the site is easy to use even for those who are not very net savvy. Lastly, it ensures the focus remains on the content of the interactions – which we hope will be profound in nature.
If you’d like to know more, please visit .
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to inform you about the launch of, online social media platform, currently with core features plus Album,music,Groups & Blogs, More features shall be incorporated in due course of time. Recently partnered with Mobile VAS company to promote & enable GPRS access to the portal. The portal launch is just first step towards opening many more services
I look forward Venturewoods friends to give me feedback/suggestions.
Kindly Note-
Currently, As mobile registration is underway, the system will be randomly sending the password to the new users, which can be changed later upon login!!!
We expect to approach few Angels shortly to present our case!!!
Thanks for your time
Ram Balagopal