Startups in search for hires, partners, co-founders, advisors, post job descriptions here.
Use the comments section on this page for posting startup jobs. Please include the area that the company operates in, the location, the role and level of seniority that is expected. Also try and include any compensation parameters. Finally, do make sure you offer a direct response email id/phone number. Based on the response, we will see if we need to develop a more elaborate job board system.
Please post only jobs/companies here — please do not post other comments. Do respond directly to the jobs, and do not comment further on the jobs posted here.
Individuals in search for jobs or to become co-founders, post profile at the VentureTalent page.
e2Mars is looking for Business Associates/ Channel Partners who can join hands with the dynamic organization and share its success. If you are a :
Media provider
Service Provider
Retired Officer
International Agent
Club member
Event Organizer
Business tycoon
or one with high contacts, then –
you can be our Business Associate / Channel Partner, by motivating your valuable contacts to use our creative services and earning your share of revenues.
For more details send us an email with your full details to at the earliest.
Hi! is India’s largest credit card / debit card comparison engine. On board our team we have some really interesting people from IIT, IIM, Wharton Business School type backgrounds.
We are looking for a fellow entrepreneur to expand our core team, and participate in taking the business to the next level.
Please get in touch if this interests you.
We are a 3 year old strat-up in Hospitality (F&B) sector and are growing at a rate 100%. We already have a topline to the tune of $1 million. Since we are growing fast, we are looking for a finance wizard to take the role of CFO. The person should have high IQ, neck for numbers, a qualified C.A or MBA Finance with at least 5-6 years of experience in corporate finance. Ofcourse entrepreneurial zeal is the key ingredient. The location will be Delhi. Interested candidates can write to me at sandeep at riverdalein dot com
Is there an entrepreneur lurking somewhere inside you? Are you tired of working for someone else? Do you have an urge to build something from scratch? Does the prospect of bringing a business to life click by click, excite you? Interested in being a part of something big and interesting?
If you answer is ‘yes’, then read on.
We are a bunch of professional working in the fast growing private sector Insurance space in India. We have been associated with Insurance since its privatization in 2000. We are currently building a business that connects online customers with business enterprises. We are currently looking for a CTO to join us. S/He should ideally have:
– Strong tech background cutting across software development & tech. infrastructure
– Currently working in the internet/website space
– Have a strong entrepreneurial urge “with willingness to take risks
– Financial Services background/exposure will be useful
– Operating from Bangalore or Chennai (flexible)
Interested? You know someone, who might be interested? Want to know more? Drop me a line at
we have just launched the beta version of web application
What it is all about?
HttpFuse contains fuses on a wide variety of topics. A fuse on a particular topic contains a collection of links formed as a result of collaboration among groups of people.See the app for more details.
Please see sample fuses for proper Understanding:
Gmail, Adobe photoshop
When such fuses are built on a product it forms web2.0 help(or resources) of a product.My vision is to make a platform for building web2.0 help(or resources) across millions of products across the world.
please see the site for more details.(or at this link
At present iam the only one who is working for full time.
Iam looking for following people
Director of Marketing
1) Looking for a person who has experience in online Marketing The main objective of this role is to effectively reach the endusers and product owners for the product fuses which are being created.YOu should have great passion to try out various new things.
Technolgy Expert
WE are in need to implement variety of new complex features for our application.We are looking for a person with following skill
1) Should have atleast some months of coding experience in
any language.
2) Should have great passion to experiment and to try out
new things.
3) Should have the skill of learning new things very
it will not be a routine coding job it involves greater challenge and learning opportunity .We have implemented the app using Java (spring,hibernate,lucene,DWR).Please see the app which i coded.
Since iam the only person who is working on the app You are free to choose you designation title.
Feel free to talk to me if you have any queries (09949875646).we are of hyderabad based startup.
Interested in above positions?
then please get in touch with me
For technical position it is ok even if you work for part time for some time.