Startups in search for hires, partners, co-founders, advisors, post job descriptions here.
Use the comments section on this page for posting startup jobs. Please include the area that the company operates in, the location, the role and level of seniority that is expected. Also try and include any compensation parameters. Finally, do make sure you offer a direct response email id/phone number. Based on the response, we will see if we need to develop a more elaborate job board system.
Please post only jobs/companies here — please do not post other comments. Do respond directly to the jobs, and do not comment further on the jobs posted here.
Individuals in search for jobs or to become co-founders, post profile at the VentureTalent page.
About Us:
Infogile was founded in late 2006. Infogile is into web/mobile Products in Software-As-A-Service model, with a niche provider in industry specific solutions to the Financial Services, Retail etc. for cutting edge mobile solutions. One of our Flagship offering in Retail, moGile-PPR has been one of the fastest growing solution in its category and boast of growing to 2,00,000 retail transactions per month spanning 10 Indian states in just less than a quarter, offering sales of prepaid products & billing solution through mobile. The incumbents would get a chance to work on some of the latest mobile technologies in which only very few companies have started working. Headquartered in Hyderabad, India and having local sales offices in Stockholm & Delhi. Visit us at:
How to Apply
Send in your profiles to careers(AT)infogile(DOT)com (Don’t have your updated resume, no worries, you can send in the link to your completed linkedin profile instead. )
Present Openings
# Technology Leads(Code TL/IN/01)
Location – Hyderabad & Delhi, India
Desired Skills – 5+ years technology experience with premier Computer Science and Engineering background. Strong hands on skills in Java/J2EE technologies and Linux and experience in architecting and developing internet applications is required. As a lead the role will involve conceptualization, design/architecture, algorithmic problem solving and application programming. Exposure to mobile technologies and handling rich media content is desirable.
# J2ME Application Developer – Entry Level (Code IG-JADP-EL)
Location – Hyderabad, India
Desired Skills – BE/B.Tech or ME/M.Tech/MCA from premier engineering schools (IITs, NITS), preferably in Computer Science with 0.5+ years experience. The ideal candidate would have complete a course of J2ME in college or through another institute and would have a working knowledge of J2ME (MIDP 2.0). The candidate would have also completed at least 2 (two) projects in the last 6 months which would have dealt with list creation, GUI development, and SMS related applications. The programmer will be responsible for Research and Development for Internal J2ME products.
# .NET Application Engineer(Code SE/IN/02)
Location – Hyderabad, India
Desired Skills – Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or 2-5 years practical experience using C#/C++, VB/VB.NET, ASP.NET, T-SQL, and MS SQL Server. Knowledgeable of XSLT, Schemas, XSL:FO, and XPath/XQuery is very beneficial. Competent working with XML and the .NET XML libraries that provide methods to read, write, process, and navigate through xml documents.
# Internship opportunity for college students(Code SI/IN/01)
Location – Hyderabad, India
Desired Skills – All applicants must have completed at least two semesters of college education. Be a current undergraduate or graduate student of the department of electronics, computer science engineering attending a university. Be available to work for at least 8-week internship. Prior object oriented coding experience is desirable.
# Visual/Graphic Designers(Code UI/IN/02)
Location – Hyderabad & Delhi, India
Desired Skills – NID/NIFT/Premium design school background with good web design experience. High quality visual aesthetics and ability to create outstanding and very distinctive creative output will be key. Understanding of web and graphics design tools and technologies like Photoshop and Flash. Ability to work with developers to ensure that the creative concept is perfectly executed will be important.
# VP – Engineering(Code VP/IN/02)
Location – Hyderabad & Delhi, India
Desired Skills – Up to 10 years experience in technology with a significant exposure to consumer internet domain and Java technologies. As the VP – Engineering, you would lead the product development and operations teams and take charge of the design, development and deployment process. Strong technical capability, lateral thinking and problem solving skills, willingness to be totally hands on when required, ability to wear multiple hats from chief architect to system operations and a talent for team building and motivation are key to this role.
Synovel ( has released on open source version of Spicebird ( Beta 0.4. More than 50,000 downloads in 4 months speaks for the product.
We are angel funded and are looking for dynamic and enthusiastic minds who can be part of our team.
Check out If there is a role that fits and if you believe you can create a difference to the world with your abilities, contact us (careers _at_ synovel _dot_com)
If you have what it takes to surf the choppy waters of a startup send us your profile at Injoos is looking for programmers with strong expertise in Web development using LAMP technologies.
Injoos is a Bangalore based startup focussed on creating innovative solutions for netizens. The company has received first round of Angel funding and is being driven by a passionate team which has more than 50 years of combined global experience in business and technology with companies like Infosys and Capgemini. (more at
I am planning to revive my old startup. This time to come up with more interesting product in the 3G / 4G type of sphere. Skilled folks ready to work on the sweat equity model (full time) can touch base (till venture flows in). This is more for challenge takers. Investing partners are also welcome.
If you are interested please visit us at or mail to
Looking for Entrepreneurial folks with strong technical knowledge in any of Java/J2EE, .NET, LAMP, SAP to join as Faculty Trainers in Hyderabad based Start-up training center.
Interested contact :
About me : I have been a technology entrepreneur with love for sharing technology awareness and knowledge.