People in search for jobs in startups or want to become co-founders, post here.
Use the comments section of this page to leave a short bio of yourself if you are interested in joining/creating a startup (fulltime, parttime, or advisory roles welcome). Please include your area of interest and specialization, location preference, the role and level of seniority that is expected. Also try and include any compensation parameters. Finally, do make sure you offer a direct response email id/phone number. You may choose to use proxy information in case you want to remain confidential at the first stage. Based on the response we will decide if we need to develop a more elaborate job board.
Please post only your bio here — please do not post other comments. Do respond directly to the bios, and do not comment further on the bios posted here
If you are in search for hires, partners, cofounders etc, please post them on Venturejobs section.
I am Poorva Amit Lavate, a young Product Designer from Mumbai. After completion of Master of Design in Industrial Product Design from Industrial Design Centre (IDC) of IIT Bombay; I have chosen the challenging path of working as an independent product designer. I have successfully designed products like knock-down bar stool in bamboo, ladies bag made combining bamboo and leather, jewelry and new age furnitures. I am lucky to get to learn painting under eminent Australian artist Graham Smith and Watercolour Society of Queensland. I can offer “customized paintings” for residential, corporate and institutional interiors. As part of my internship, I have worked with Prof. William Wong of Interaction Design Centre at Middlesex University in London. During my Middlesex University assignment, I had developed a focus-and-context visualization and interaction prototype on the Multi-Layered Display. Currently, I am operating from my home office in Mumbai. I am prepared to travel to other cities on assignments if required. I shall welcome challenging proposals.
I can be contacted @ Mobile: 9819567528
Hi Friends,
Newbie on this blog.
I am Accountant by training (B.Com, CA(well, just about!), CWA) and currently a Finance PhD student at IIM Calcutta. Highly contagious enthusiasm, honest desire to learn new things and a naked ambition to make it big accompanies me. I would like to meet up, talk, help/work part-time with entrepreneurs in Calcutta (and neighbouring areas)who could benefit from me in return for a few rounds coffee and maggie.
I’m an experienced professional in the development of client/server and desktop based applications.
I am keen on working with a start-up in the technology. I would ideally like to have some fixed income for sustainence and am open to have the rest of the compensation in form of stock grants. I can be contacted at 9916465632.
I am a TMT professional with a strong understanding of Telecom Networks ( access, core and service layers) in both 2.5G/3G domains. I have worked with Lucent for a year and half doing large deal pricing.
My last stint has been in the mobile Value Added Services space where I have set up the product management and deployment functions within the organization.
I hold a fulltime MBA from IIM Bangalore ( 2003) and a B.E from REC Rourkela ( 2000) and am currently based out of hyderabad.
i am keen on working with a start-up in the technology+consumer space. I would ideally like to have some fixed income for sustainence and am open to have the rest of the compensation in form of stock grants.
If you are looking someone to jumpstart with, please send me an email my address is ( remove the spaces) a m i t k a 0
ExpenseOnDemand ( is an end to end solution for expense entry, approval, accounting and payments – over the internet – designed for seamless in-sourcing, outsourcing & off-shoring.
It is hosted over the internet. It is comprehensive, scalable, configurable and enforces 100% compliance – saving companies time & money. Our solution is unique, because it allows companies to in-source, outsource or offshore any part of the expense management process.
People in every horizontal – private, public or charity – whether it is a 10 or 10,000 people organisation – submit expenses. The global market is approx. $40 billion and growing at 30% pa. The market leader has revenues of $90 million, with a market cap of $800 million – with less than 0.1% market share !
95% people use Excel or paper, and are moving or will eventually move to a systematised “Software as a Service” offering. In India, companies are moving from paper-to-the-web – giving Excel or even owning a computer a miss.
Our early wins are in the UK, where we have several blue chip customers that include several famous high-street names such as EMS (part of TESCO), Threshers, etc.
Testing the Indian market has been successful and has provided several references. We are now looking at a no-nonsense sales person who is looking beyond a salary – to create a phenomenon in the Indian market, in pursuit of making wealth.
Write to me at with how you can make the difference.