People in search for jobs in startups or want to become co-founders, post here.
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I am Poorva Amit Lavate, a qualified young Product Designer from Mumbai. After completing M Des in Industrial Product Design from Industrial Design Centre (IDC) of IIT Bombay; I have chosen to work as an independent product designer . I am willing to take up designing assignments from start ups. Now I am operating from Mumbai and prepared to travel to other cities on assignments for start ups if required. I request to all start ups to contact me if anyone has requirement.
I can be contacted @ Ms Poorva Amit Lavate,
Mobile: 9819567528 or
I am a 2005 B. Tech Grad in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from NIT Calicut (CREC). I have been working with Electrical Business Group, Larsen and Toubro Limited since in the Sales and Marketing function (for LT Switchboards – L&T happens to be a market leader in India for this product).
Currently I am a core team member for SAP CRM implementation in EBG (Electrical Business Group). I have been recvognized in “Top Talent” pool of L&T.
I wish to move out of the corporate hierarchy and use my sprits and energy to pursue something of my own. I wish to start off by being associated with a startup in the Communications part (Sales, Marketing, Branding etc.). I shall also be interested in the IT sector, not as a programmer though – it does not really kindle my interest.
You may contact me by email ( or call me on +919820615736.
I had co-founded an XML based data management products company (in US) a few years back. We ran this company for about 1.5yrs and then sold it to a healthcare IT firm. Later I joined IBM Life Sciences division in NY where I was the solutions manager for the Drug Discovery vertical. After that I relocated back to India (Hyd) and currently I manage the Global Life Sciences business for a large Indian IT services firm (one of the top 3). I did my B.Tech from IIT Delhi and M.S from UT Austin, both in Computer Science.
What I bring to the table
1. High energy and desire to do something “game changing”
2. Experience in running and selling a small venture
3. Biz dev, sales and mktg exp in outsourcing/ professional services. Achieved huge year on year revenue growth
4. Exp in starting and growing “new divisions” (though in big corporations)
5. Life Sciences/Pharma industry experience (this is not a constraint. I do keep myself abreast with the latest trends in other industries and it would be fun to work in a different vertical – mobile/consumer internet/ enterprise products)
What I am looking for
. If you are an early stage startup and you are looking for a high energy person with a strong tech background, business development exp and who has both startup and big company exp, please contact me. Or if you want to team up to co-found a new venture or just bounce off ideas, I would be more than happy to collaborate.
Having started a venture before, I have always wanted to get back into the startup groove and through out my “big company” life I have sought and worked in startup environments – I think I thrive in entrepreneurial settings
I am keen on exploring challenging opportnities with startups in product development/business development/marketing functions.
I hold a full time MBA from one of the premier business schools and a B.E. in Computer science. I have around 2.5 yrs of work-ex in sales and business development roles in the financial services industry.
I’m open to exploring opportunities across various sectors. For further details and discussions, you can contact me @ +91-9818109823
I am a post graduate from IITD. Done Masters in VLSI Design Tools and technology. Have 5 Years of work-ex. I worked for 4 Years with Intel and currently working with Freescale, noida. I am interested in joining a good startup in Noida, Delhi or in gurgaon. Especially in the field of Wireless.
You can contact me @ 09350189800
Thanks and Regards