People in search for jobs in startups or want to become co-founders, post here.
Use the comments section of this page to leave a short bio of yourself if you are interested in joining/creating a startup (fulltime, parttime, or advisory roles welcome). Please include your area of interest and specialization, location preference, the role and level of seniority that is expected. Also try and include any compensation parameters. Finally, do make sure you offer a direct response email id/phone number. You may choose to use proxy information in case you want to remain confidential at the first stage. Based on the response we will decide if we need to develop a more elaborate job board.
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I am a graduate engineer with experience of around 12 years both in IT industry and Mechanical engineering domain.
Have experience in Presales, Account Managment, Program Managment and IT operations.
Am available for working in a startup in business development,strategy, or any senior position with nominal salary and equity.
Have good contacts in Middle East and will try to leverage them if the product addresses a niche market.
interested firms can contact me on
civil engg grad from IIT Roorkee (2008)…started working in insurance as a underwriter ..i have gained expertise in assessing and evaluating risks associated with the engineering projects and mitigating those risks by putting suitable warranties . i also conduct risk inspection visits for a better understanding of risk . i am also engaged in handing claims which again requires techncial know how of the insurance policy and negogiations with the client to finally settle the case
i am seeking to working in profile of analyst or risk management or underwriting or trader in a startup .i have the basic requisite knowledge for analysis (descreptive statstics,probabilty theory and regression analysis in finance ,calculas ,linear mathematics and matrix algebra and numerical method optimization )
please write to me at
Premier engg. grad with years of experience in IT plus self entrepreneurial ventures as well. Looking forward to joining hands with biz. folks in making a blast. Interested folks can get in touch at trainerden(at)gmail
Cofounder at two internet startups in the area of referal hiring and online tutoring. I am looking for opportunities in start-up maverickdps (at) gmail (dot) com
We are a group of consultants who are premier bschools in India and experineced in diversified sectors. We would engage in part time consulting across different sectors ranging from banks, financial services, telecom, IT, Internet, media, energy and ITES.
I am also willing to engage in consulting assignements in Mumbai for anything related to online sector in the areas of product management, marketing and business strategy.
Work on both equity and cash basis.
Further details please mail at