People in search for jobs in startups or want to become co-founders, post here.
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I am a Software Engineer at Global Logic and now looking for a industry change.
I am specially interested in financial and consulting fields.I have a basic knowledge of finance,taxation,alternative investments. Interested in early-stage startups as well as companies “on the bubble.â€
Competitive Analysis,Feasibility Studies,Financial Analysis,Equity Research,Derivatives Analysis
Interested people can contact me at or 09811184831.
I looking for telecommuting job in startup company at Tech Lead or Lead Developer position.
I successfully participated in launching of Bazaarvoice startup (as regular employer) and now I searching for something similar. I can provide my resume, my code samples, and recommendations from Bazaarvoice team by request.
I have more than 10 years of commercial programming (20 years of total experience in programming). I am expert in Java (10+ years), Linux (10+ years), Perl, and UNIX shell programming. I have lot of experience in many other areas – just ask for extended resume or code sample.
I am experienced in team working, including distributed teams, and team building. During my work for Bazaarvoice, I successfully created administration team, including hiring new people, training them, controlling them (through work/code review process), setting up workflow, creating code standards, etc. I even own their “Bazaarvoice, Top Performer, 5 stars” award.
I am experienced in creating of effective development process which is well suited for distributed team, including source control system setup (e.g. Subversion with custom support for effective private branches), ticket management system (e.g. Trac setup), continuous integration system (e.g. Hudson setup), effective building system and source code organization which is prone to merge conflicts. These my skills are verified on many projects.
I am also expert in developing of deployment solutions for RedHat Linux and clones. For example, during my work on Bazaarvoice, I created system which is able to build whole project in about 15 minutes and create new virtual machine from scratch to fully working application in about 5 minutes for number of environments (production, staging, various QA and development environments) and without any additional configuration. Because of hundreds of servers and strict SLA’s with customers, this solution saved hundreds of thousands for the Bazaarvoice company.
Contact me at .
I am Anil Kumar from New Delhi having expertise in Internet Technology and Marketing concepts. My area of interets lies in setting up new things/processes in the above said expterise areas. Currently I am having a startup on my own, and am further interested in taking up Consultancy role for any startup for Technology and Startup Operations.
I can be reached at for more information.
I am Amitava Dutta from bangalore, at present I am in Kolkata,India I am a game architect by profession, I had developed more than 80 Games/Applications in my 8 years of experience which all are live on site some of them are on dailyfreegames, all these are casual games. I had worked for Multiplayer paid game development and also for MMORPG for social network game development some of them are on . My passion is developing critical games and also develop PC console games. I worked for promotion and hosting MMORPG for , my profile link you can view at My ambition is to work with any Gaming development challange and Manage a big Team/Company. You can find me on my website
Work Platform:
Flash 8 actionscript 2.0 , Flash CS3 actionscript 3.0, Adobe AIR, SmartFoxPro 1.6, Flash media Server, Java, Flash lite, A5 Game Engine, Torq Game engine, LMS SDK and others.
Amitava Dutta
I’m into website designing for past 3 years and working in my present company for 3-1/2 years. I have my personal venture under, since past 1 year into domain registration, hosting & website designing at very low cost solution. As I couldn’t go about it into market bcoz of basic infrastructure. Currently I’ve done one website for my client – a travel agency in record 20 days and also have 2 clients in hand.
Having a robust marketing plan in and for Hyderabad which is a potential market for itself and also the pricing for service is too low for others to compete is an advantage.
I’m looking for investment or fund infusion to setup basic infrastructure which will a reasonably low that I would be requiring.
If intrested please contact me (Bharadwaj.B.G) – or 099084-70153, Hyderabad, India