People in search for jobs in startups or want to become co-founders, post here.
Use the comments section of this page to leave a short bio of yourself if you are interested in joining/creating a startup (fulltime, parttime, or advisory roles welcome). Please include your area of interest and specialization, location preference, the role and level of seniority that is expected. Also try and include any compensation parameters. Finally, do make sure you offer a direct response email id/phone number. You may choose to use proxy information in case you want to remain confidential at the first stage. Based on the response we will decide if we need to develop a more elaborate job board.
Please post only your bio here — please do not post other comments. Do respond directly to the bios, and do not comment further on the bios posted here
If you are in search for hires, partners, cofounders etc, please post them on Venturejobs section.
I am looking for a strong technology partner/co-founder in the Microsoft .NET domain to create a software service in the procurement domain. I have the specs and also a draft application and need someone make it production grade and rearchitect/redesign if necessary. Also welcome are pure domain specialists (non-technical) with lots of experience in procurement.
Contact me at if interested.
Shashank Mohan
Willing to join me?
I would like to team up with Flex3 Professionals who are willing to make a start up happen. This is purely on equity basis and part time. People who are experienced in Image manipulation in flex3 are welcome….
Contact me: pradheap(@)gmail(dot)com
Hi, I am Riddhi working with Microsoft for about 2 years now and joined there as a fresher.
Looking for an opportunity to join a Start Up where i can unleash my analyatical,problem solving skills and creative ideas.
I bring along strong technical knowledge in Microsoft technologies ( .NET and SQL Primarily) along with sound knowledge in processes like Scrum and SDLC.
Great team player and leader.
You can reach me at :
Interested in co-founding/ mentoring startups in offline space in product/ services/ retail (lifestyle/ food/ wellness/ pharma). Equity considered prime payback.
Am a premier b-school grad with 13 years of experience including international markets. Currently hibernating.
Strong grounding in business, strategy, product/services marketing, retail and design.
Social start-ups welcome. Online models with a need for sharp business/ marketing/ HCI skills considered.
Sharks for VCs, kindly excuse. Yahoo me @ sonnybum5
I am interested in a reasonably well funded small to mid-sized, early stage company in hardware/software technology arena that could use and benefit from an in-depth and broad experience in product development. My first pref would be Bangalore. A temporary assignment would be perfectly fine too. A brief synopsis of my background:
I have over 8 years of work ex in embedded technology and team mgmt. Most of my work has been on system programming on various RTOS as well as windows application and am looking for an opening which gives me a lot of opportunity for creativity.
If anybody is interested:
Please contact me by email,,