People in search for jobs in startups or want to become co-founders, post here.
Use the comments section of this page to leave a short bio of yourself if you are interested in joining/creating a startup (fulltime, parttime, or advisory roles welcome). Please include your area of interest and specialization, location preference, the role and level of seniority that is expected. Also try and include any compensation parameters. Finally, do make sure you offer a direct response email id/phone number. You may choose to use proxy information in case you want to remain confidential at the first stage. Based on the response we will decide if we need to develop a more elaborate job board.
Please post only your bio here — please do not post other comments. Do respond directly to the bios, and do not comment further on the bios posted here
If you are in search for hires, partners, cofounders etc, please post them on Venturejobs section.
I have 10 years experience across strategy and management consulting in India, the US, UK and Australia, have worked with a Private Equity firm in India and have been an entrepreneur for two years.
Given my strong strategic background and entreprentural experience I am looking to help start up firms. I am happy to engage with firms on a full or part time basis and play strategic, marketing or business development roles.
Feel free to contact me at 98104-04233 or at
Talk soon
Hi, I am saurav, a first year MBA student looking for internship options in a private equity firm in india. Do not have any location preference as such but would like to work in Mumbai as am studying there right now. I have 22 months work experience as an associate in back office, in private equity research. My core expertise was researching LBO and growth capital financing in US market. Please contact me at in case any PE firm in india is looking for interns for their projects.
Hi Alok,
I am a creative director in advertising, but have always endeavored to go beyond the boxed space. i am currently working on 2 ventures: to start indias first cartooning syndicated agency. and to launch a line of customised, personalised and most importantly,topical, shirts and tshirts for hollywood celebrities.
i would like to interact with you, and also exchange thoughts, ideas and insights regards to the same. As mentioned very rightly,on your blog, its not about money, but its about getting the right mentor, and thats exactly wat i seek from you.
my short profile is posted here.
or do write to me at
093242 14884
We are two guys who have developed a general web search engine with a new & proprietary link analysis technology. We have been working on this for the past 3 yrs.
Our technology is not based on PageRank of Google. It uses a completely fresh approach on link analysis and is immune to link spamming (biggest problem faced by search engines). In a nutshell, it provides more relevant results than existing market leaders.
We are looking for people who are interested in search and would like to work with us as advisors, team members or investors.
We are a seed stage company and need funds to develop the product further.
Contact me at 9958132763 or
My name is Manish – I am an engineer (IIT Delhi), and an entrepreneur myself.
We have started a Business Incubator in Delhi. Principal aim is to provide a common workplace to startups, in a dynamic environment inhabited by other exciting startups.
The idea is to:
* spread costs,
* help improve business image,
* take away hassles to allow focus on core business,
* while providing opportunities to network and collaborate.
I’ve uploaded a business side presentation at
I would appreciate if you can spread the word around and help startups benefit from this opportunity.
maniish.gupta gmail com
Tw: maniishgupta